Finding support for social skills in Fort Collins, CO
Mallory Griffith, MA, CCC-SLP
Fort Collins has an abundance of services to support people on the autism spectrum and other diagnoses who benefit from social skill support. Whether you're considering an evaluation or hoping to build a team of providers for yourself or your child, here is a quick sampling of services you may explore.
As part of the Social Learning Project team, we strive to connect people with services provided in Fort Collins, CO (and Northern Colorado). Services are available for children, adolescents, and adults. Below is a quick descriptions of what each service may look like (all are available here in Fort Collins), and how to connect with an autism provider who supports this skill.
It is always important to remember that while many services are provided, it is necessary that you consider what the right balance for you and your family may be. Some people like to start with one service, while others jump all in. There is no "right" way to start therapy.
Social skills therapy can support a variety of diagnoses, including, but not limited to people who have a diagnosis of:
Autism spectrum disorder
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Social anxiety
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Downs syndrome
Non-verbal learning disabilities
Anyone generally motivated to grow their social communication skills!
When determining where to start, it is critical to find a provider who has a strong background supporting social skills (typically ASD - autism spectrum disorders expertise) AND is a good fit for you or your child. It may take a few sessions with different therapists to find that team.
Services that support social skills in Fort Collins may include
An initial evaluation - if you suspect you or your child may have an undiagnosed condition (adhd, autism spectrum, learning disorders, etc.), you may want to explore evaluation services to provide direction for your treatment targets. Many different resources are available assist with an evaluation (look for providers who are certified to administer comprehensive neuropsychological testing). If you are hoping to identify the educational impact of a diagnosis, look for neuroeducational assessment services.
A psychologist or counselor - a therapist with this skill set can support all areas related to mental health. This is broad. It may involve managing stress, anxiety, depression, reading social cues, better understanding those around you, developing healthy coping strategies...the list goes on! If you are in Fort Collins, there are many mental health providers available to provide support to both people working on social skills and their families.
Speech therapy - Many people think of speech therapy when they know someone who is working on talking or the clarity of their speech. It is less commonly known that speech therapists are trained to support social communication skills as well (think, how do I join a new group? how do I know what someone REALLY means? how do I know how much information to share to a new social contact?) When considering where to start with speech therapy, search for a therapist who has expertise in the area you're hoping to work on.
Occupational therapy - Like speech therapy, occupational therapists have vast knowledge and tools to support their clients. A few areas they can support include fine motor skills, sensory regulation, building routines, toilet training, dressing, etc. Again, the list goes on. Colorado State University has a great occupational therapy program, so Fort Collins, CO is saturated with the best.
Music therapy - music therapy services use a song or instrument to support language, self awareness, and sensory regulation. It can foster skills like joint attention, taking turns, and sequencing directions. Music therapy is offered both individually and through groups.
Applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy - ABA is a type of therapy that can improve social, communication, and learning skills through positive reinforcement. Behavioral services using this model are offered both in home and center-based settings.
Many of these services provide opportunities to work both individually or as part of a social skills group under their sub-specialty (many psychologists, counselors, and speech therapists facilitate groups). There is no age limit for targeting social skills! Different providers have expertise supporting different ages. Part of your conversation when setting up services should entail which age group to you typically support.
This list is just the tip of the iceberg.
Navigating the abundance of autism resources can be overwhelming! If you are looking for support with this endeavor, call or email today. I would love to help connect you with your (future) social skills team to support the successful treatment of autism related needs in Fort Collins, CO.