You've Got This!: The Journey from Middle School to College, as told by Students on the Autism Spectrum and Their Parents
by Rachel Bedard PhD , Mallory Griffith MA, CCC-SLP
From my dear friend and spectrum expert, Rachel Bedard, PhD
“This is the second book that Mallory Griffith and I wrote together, cementing our friendship forever. While we wrote the books "at the same time," they were published a year apart, and you will see that we flipped who got first authorship, because we are equals and we do things equally:)
If you are headed to college (or adulthood!), or know someone withAutism who is veering/tiptoeing toward adulthood, this is the book for you!!You may want your child to move more quickly toward independence, adulthood, personal responsibility, AND your child may feel that things are moving much too quickly as it is. You are thinking college, job, independence...and your child is coping with overwhelming feelings of anxiety, stress, and feeling unprepared to Adult.
Learn from these families! Your child CAN be an adult, college student, employee, and partner. These families focused on school, friendships, and making it. In addition, each chapter ends with guidance from a professional. There are a couple of hilarious authors in therewith sound advice about school and jobs. Be sure to read the last chapter with tissues in hand - those authors will “
Find it today on Amazon, here
"You've Got This!" is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in understanding the real and honest struggles (and triumphs!) faced by individuals on the autism spectrum as they enter adulthood. Tips, advice, and lessons learned from those who have "survived" the journey from middle school into post-secondary education and beyond are eloquently shared. Caregivers and professionals weigh in on relevant topics geared to helping students and their families find the right supports in academia and beyond to foster perseverance and self-defined success. This book is a must-read! Teri Krakovich, PhD, Autism Clinical Psychologist Founder of Autism Quality of Life, Inc., Host, "Autism Quality of Life" podcast